What will the November elections mean for agriculture?
The 2022 elections will have important implications for the future direction of agricultural policy, including the writing of the next farm bill. Click on the link below to view this NAAJ exclusive event with Randy Russell, president of the Russell Group, and former House Agriculture Committee Chairman Rep. Collin Peterson. Email naajnews@yahoo.com to receive the password for the Vimeo recording.
Randy Russell
Russell Group President Randy Russell was born and raised in Virginia. Prior to joining the Russell Group in 1986, Randy served in a number of agricultural policy positions, both inside and outside of government, including chief of staff for Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economics at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Vice President for Agriculture and Trade Policy at the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, Director of Government Relations for The Pillsbury Company, and the 1981 Farm Bill Coordinator for USDA. Randy also served on the Senate Agriculture Committee staff for former Senator Rudy Boschwitz (R-MN).
Collin Peterson
Rep. Collin Peterson is currently president and founder of his government affairs and public policy firm, The Peterson Group. He also has a partnership with Combest Sell and Associates in Washington D.C. to advise and consult on policies that bolster U.S. agriculture and rural America. Peterson was the Democrat representative for Minnesota’s 7th congressional district from 1991 to 2020. Peterson was one of the founders of the Blue Dog Coalition, a caucus of moderates and conservative Democrats. He served as the top Democrat of the House Agriculture Committee for 15 years, overseeing the writing and implementation of the last four farm bills.