“NAAJ has provided countless opportunities not only to develop my own leadership skills, but most importantly to make lifetime friendships and provide a place to grow as an agriculture journalist.”
Joel Reichenberger, President
Tim Hearden, Vice President
Clarisa Diaz, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Regional Vice Presidents
Midwest - Michael Hirtzer, Bloomberg
Northeast - Helena Bottemiller Evich, Food Fix
Southeast - Philip Brasher, Agri-Pulse
Canada - Ron Lyseng
West - Tim Hearden, Farm Progress
PAST PRESIDENTS: Attending the annual meeting in 2022 were several of the past presidents for the North American Agricultural Journalists. Pictured from left to right is Jerry Hagstrom, Gil Gullickson, Gene Lucht, current president Allan Dawson, Todd Neeley and Mikkel Pates.