Frequently Asked Questions
Writing Contest

As in years past, enter online by logging in to
**** IMPORTANT: Most members entering as individuals should select the “Open Call Login” link in the top menu, as an “Open Call Contestant.” There is a “Forgot Password?” link if you need it, or create an “Open Call” account if you are new.
— Choose the 2025 NAAJ Writing Contest from the dropdown list.

If you have questions, send them along, and Kim de Bourbon will do her best to answer them from what I know or to get an answer from someone who does.

Q: When must the articles have been published to be eligible for inclusion in the contest?

A: All eligible entries must have been published from January 1, 2024 until December 31, 2024.

Q: Must you be an active member of NAAJ to enter the contest?

A: YES! Only active NAAJ members in good standing (dues paid up!) are eligible to enter the nine main categories of the contest:

  • News

  • Spot News

  • Feature

  • Profile

  • Technical

  • Ongoing Coverage or Series

  • Column/Blog

  • Editorial

  • Photojournalism

  • NextGen Young Writer

We review the names credited on all entries for membership status before submitting entries to the judges. If we find people whose NAAJ membership has lapsed, we ask them to pay up. If we find people not on the membership list at all, we contact whoever submitted the entry and let them know that the entry is ineligible unless the nonmember pays the $125 dues and joins NAAJ.

Nonmembers may enter ONLY the Special Projects category [See details below].

Q: What qualifies as an acceptable way to submit my writing entry?

A: The online platform allows for a PDF of your article or a link to the article. If the submission is behind a paywall, be sure to include a PDF of the entire article. The best way to do this is to select print article, and then save as a PDF. We do not require the byline to be blacked out.

Q: What information will I need in submitting my story in the online platform?

A: Publication story appeared, title of entry, category you wish to enter it in, date of publication, byline author(s). Please note some categories require multiple stories for the one entry (column/blog, ongoing coverage/series and NextGen Young Writer).

Q: How does it work in the case of a joint-byline story? I.e., if I’m submitting an entry on behalf of myself and another writer, how do I ensure we both are recognized if the story wins?

A: In the online entry form, just make sure that all the writers on the story or stories are named in the “Credit” fields. We will check to see that each of the people credited are members of NAAJ before submitting entries to the judges. 

If a nonmember is credited on an entry, we will get in touch with whoever submitted the entry to let them know that person must pay the $125 dues and join NAAJ, or the entry will be deemed ineligible.

Q: Who can enter the Special Projects category?

A: Special Projects is the only category that is open to both nonmembers and members. Members pay $30 to enter, as usual. Each nonmember on a Special Projects entry pays $75.

Ex: If three nonmembers enter Special Projects for one piece or a series of articles, the cost is 3 x $75 = $225.

Or, if two nonmembers and one member enter Special Projects for one piece or a series of articles, the cost is 2 x $75 = $150 for the nonmembers PLUS $30 for the member’s entry = $180

Q: Should a member enter the Special Projects category?

A: Generally, a member’s articles will fit in one of the other categories, so should be entered there. The main benefit of doing so is that the first place winners of the eight members-only categories (News, Spot News, Feature, Profile, Technical, Ongoing Coverage or Series, Column/Blog and Editorial) are eligible for the Cunningham Agriculture Journalist of the Year award.

The winner of the Special Projects category is NOT considered for the Cunningham award.

Q: We have a four-day series of stories we want to enter in the Ongoing Coverage or Series category. Another writer (nonmember) wrote the first three stories, and I wrote the last story of the series. How would that work to enter the series? Is it only a $125 charge for him to become an NAAJ member, or is it a charge and $25 for the entry?

A: The nonmember must be a member to enter a story in this category of the  contest, so in order to enter this in Ongoing Coverage or Series, that nonmember would have to pay $125 for membership.

(Nonmembers may enter stories in the Special Projects category but the fee is $75, so a nonmember might as well become a member, if he or she meets eligibility guidelines.)

There is one $30 fee to submit any entry — that’s regardless of how many actual stories make up the Series entry.

Final answer: It’s a $125 member fee for the nonmember to join, and thus become eligible for the contest, plus the $30 fee to enter the  stories in the Ongoing Coverage or Series category.

Q: Is there a limit to how many entries I can make?

A: YES. There is a limit of TWO entries per entrant in News, Spot News, Feature, Profile, Technical, Editorial, Photojournalism, Ongoing Coverage or Series, and Special Project.

There is a limit of ONE entry per entrant in Column/Blog and NextGen Writer although each entry in this category is to consist of three published items. The

Q:  I seem to remember in the past there was no provision about entering a story in more than one category, but I understand this has changed. Could you clarify for me?

A: You may not enter a story in more than one single-story category. (So you may not enter the same story in the News and the Features categories, for example, or any other combination of categories.)

Members may, however, take a single story from an Ongoing Coverage or Series entry or a Special Project entry, and enter it in any one of the single-story categories if the piece qualifies for those categories.

This is a return to NAAJ’s earlier, longstanding policy of requiring entrants to make a decision where a story belongs. It also, obviously, gives more members an opportunity to win an award for their good work. This rule change is noted in the general instructions for our contest on the BetterBNC site.

Q: Can a student member enter the regular categories of the contest?

A: To enter the other categories, they would need to be a full-fledged member with the $125 dues payment. There is nothing that prevents a student from paying the full price. Otherwise, they enter under the general student category.

Q. What is the Glenn Cunningham Agriculture Story of the Year Award?

The Glenn Cunningham Award honors the NAAJ member(s) who is chosen the best overall writer of the year and is selected from the first-place winners in News, Spot News, Feature, Ongoing Coverage or Series, Blog/Column, Editorial, Technical and Profile NAAJ contest categories.

NOTE: Because the Special Projects category is open to non-NAAJ members, it is not considered for the Cunningham Award. Therefore, NAAJ members may want to enter any stories deemed “special projects” in the Ongoing Coverage or Series category, or one of the other categories, as appropriate.

See list of previous Cunningham Award winners.

Q: How do you win Journalist of the Year award? Each writer who receives a placing, including honorable mention, in any category will be included in the consideration for our JOY award - Journalist of the Year.

Points are calculated as such:
First place= 5 points
Second place = 3 points
Third place = 2 points
Honorable mention = 1 points

Any joint byline article will receive the points of the respective category for the placing below it (i.e. first place joint byline author will receive 3 points. 2nd place joint byline will receive 2 points). A tie will be decided by a judge looking at the portfolio of qualified stories.

Q: What is the Audrey Mackiewicz Special Award?

A: The Mackiewicz Award honors the association’s first female president and long-time executive secretary/treasurer, and recognizes publications which have expanded their coverage of agriculture. Publications must apply for consideration. See list of previous Mackiewicz winners.

More questions about the contest? Contact Kim de Bourbon, contest coordinator.